
Vision. Action. Passion.


  • To recruit, vet, support and endorse candidates in local and state elections.

  • To promote the improvement of local community administrations and government by encouraging community members and others to take a active role in government affairs.

  • To encourage community members and others to become aware of government, its processes, important political issues, and records of office holders and candidates.

  • To assist community members and others in organizing themselves for more effective political action.

  • To raise funds for the aforementioned purpose, and from such funds to make contributions to assist candidates for local and state office who demonstrate interest and leadership in their community; such funds will be limited to contributions, fund-raising activities and other activities which support endorsed candidates.

  • To be involved in the Initiative or Referendum process on the State level


The concept of forming a Political Action Committee was conceived on a very long trip returning from a meeting in Omak. Steve was frustrated about the unwillingness of County Commissioners to consider a resolution supporting the Second Amendment. That resolution would have publicly supported the rights of the citizens of the county to bear arms, as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Washington. More importantly, it would have shown solidarity by publicly supporting the County Sheriff that stated he would refuse to enforce I-1639.

Our discussions focused around the need to find candidates that are conservative, true leaders and possess a great amount of courage. One of the involved commissioners said the following about I-1639 “I do not agree with it, but at present it is law. I hope it is over turned. When I took office, I took an oath to uphold the constitutions of Washington State and the United States”. To place all hope in others to work on getting it overturned, is a cowardly response at best. The oath of office is to defend the rights of the citizens he represents. A true leader with courage, that doesn’t agree with a law because it is unconstitutional, should take a stand to protect the rights of the people that he represents.

One of my frustrations of being a PCO is the vetting process. The Central Committee convenes on a Saturday prior to the primary, to meet and vet the declared candidates for the upcoming election cycle. At times I have asked myself, “Really, is this the best that we have to choose from?” I feel very strongly that the vetting process should be part of the recruiting process.

Fast forward to now: after much debate, thought and discussion, the PAC has been formed and is now fully functional. We are working with citizens, businesses and groups from many communities and counties to seek quality candidates for the upcoming election cycle.



Expenses for a local County Commissioner race can exceed $25,000.00 and State Representative races exceeding $100,000.00 the need for support is paramount. LSPAC is governed by a board of volunteer directors, all donations are used to promote endorsed candidates and election related costs.

Will you partner with us?


Our Co-Founders

Mike Mckee - Chairperson

Mike Mckee - Chairperson


Mike McKee

Mike is a Central Washington native, born and raised in Wenatchee. His entrepreneurial attitude has keep him self-employed most of his adult life as an Electrical Contractor, Construction Project Superintendent and a business owner. Mike has been involved in the Liberty State movement as a County Captain and in working to recruit County Captains to cover several of the Eastern Washington Counties.  Mike currently lives and operates a BBQ restaurant in Quincy.



Washington State
Journeyman Electrician, 1992

Activities & Affiliations

• Small Business Owner
• PCO - Quincy 6
• Grant County Republican Central Committee - Parliamentarian


Steve Edwards - Vice Chairperson

Steve Edwards - Vice Chairperson

Vice chairperson

Steve Edwards

Steve is retired and currently calls Yakima home. After several years as a Cardiac Nurse and a Heavy Equipment Mechanic, Steve has been busy with his small farm. In his spare time, Steve has been instrumental in advancing the Liberty State Movement forward.



University of Arkansas
BSEE, 1974

Yakima Valley CC
AD RN, Cardiac Nurse, 2007

Activities & Affiliations

• Vice Coordinator - Liberty State Movement
• PCO Yakima Precinct #3304
• Yakima County Liberty Caucus - Member


Susan Pearson - Secretary/Treasurer

Susan Pearson - Secretary/Treasurer


Susan Pearson

Susan splits her time between Spokane and the Yakima Valley. She has recently retired from a local municipality, after several years of service. She and her husband have purchased a recreational vehicle and look forward to traveling and camping. High on their list is spending time with their children and grandchildren.



Spokane Falls CC
Business / Accounting

Eastern Washington University

Activities & Affiliations

• Treasurer - Liberty State Spokane County
• Yakima County Republican Women - Member
• Yakima County Liberty Caucus - Member